An average of 283 commuters per day. This is how many commuters used the Port of Antwerp Shuttle Bus for their commute in 2021. The Shuttle Bus registered a total of 72,214 daily users, accounting for 142,076 trips. With that, the Shuttle Bus does record a 12% decline compared to 2020.
On the one hand, the decline is due to the security measures against COVID-19 that were still in place during the first half of the year. On the other hand, quite a few companies in the port are taking mobility initiatives promoting (electric) bicycles for commuting. DeWaterbus stops in Zwijndrecht and Kallo, which opened in 2018, also play a role in this.
Shuttle Bus remains interesting alternative
Nevertheless, the Shuttle Bus remains a relevant mode of transport for those working in the port of Antwerp. Especially with the impact of the Oosterweel works on traffic flow. In addition, a pilot project in cooperation with De Lijn, Voka Chamber of Commerce Antwerp-Waasland, Katoen Natie and some employment agencies has been underway since 2020. Commuters cross the Scheldt using the existing tram connections and transfer at P+R Melsele to the Shuttle Bus towards their final destination in the port on the left bank of the Scheldt.